Sunday, May 10, 2020


Wall sockets come in different shapes, sizes and strength. These sockets can go bad as a result of wear and tear that results from excessive usage or burn when overloaded. (Overloading a socket means that you connect a device that requires more electricity input to it than the socket can carry. So, the electricity output is smaller than the required device input.)

  • Unscrew the wall socket from its casing. The screw of the socket can be covered with a different colour of a small piece of plastic other than the colour and the screw is usually two numbers. So, you have to understand what to look out for to find the screw.

  • After losing the screw, you should see the wires that connects the light to the socket usually; the red wire is life while the black is neutral. The third wire is the earth. Loose the screw holding each of the wires and ensure that they do not touch each other as this might lead to electric spark and even electrocution.

  •  Fix each wire in the appropriate spots of the new socket and tighten the screw against the wires. Ensure that all wires are well fixed.

  • Fix the new socket back to the casing ensuring that the screws are well tightened. If the socket is well fixed, it should supply light to the appliance or show light on the indicator of the socket.


·         DECISION: Decide what kind of book you want to write; academic, motivational fiction. Also decide the other stuff like the book volume, the title, the area you want to address, the class of people you want to write for e.g. children, youth, teens or adults. Decide how long it would take you to complete the book. Decide when you want to start writing etc.

·         Draw up an outline for the book. The outline becomes a guide for you to write within context. The outline should consist of all the sub-topics you hope to discuss in the book.

·         Design a time table for writing preferably daily practice of consistent writing would work. The duration each day must not be necessarily long. Everyday practice of writing works for me. I don’t know if it would work for you. Stick to your schedule.

·         Start writing and try not to be distracted until you finish the book.

·         Send your manuscript chapter by chapter as you complete each chapter to your editor/ mentor for proofreading.

·         At the completion of your last chapter review, your book is ready for publication.


·         Keep your hand pumping machine handy. Insert and pump valve into the bicycle valve and fix it in place properly.

·         Step on the foothold of the hand pump while you pump your tyre by pulling and pushing the handle of the pump.

·         Feel how strong the tyre is and keep adding air till it gets to the desired level. Achieving the desired air level might be a lot easier if your pump come with a meter.  

·         Bravo!!! Your bicycle tyre is ready for use again.


·         Making up one’s mind to become a good staff is the first step. Accepting to face the consequences of such decision and determining to get through is more important than the set practices that give the result.

·         Find out and make a list of every quality of a good staff.

·         Develop a plan on how to make each of these qualities your habits. Follow through every day even when you stumble or fail. It would become less stressful by the time you get used to the quality.

·         Make friends with only good staffs. They would influence you positively.

·         Becoming a good staff is a lifetime experience so you will continue to grow in it through your lifetime. 

·         Always develop a plan of how to become a better staff. Review such plans and make them better.


           People say that learning language is made easy when you have an ear for learning languages. That is certainly not true!!

·         Develop interest in the language you want to learn to love the ways the words are pronounced. Let it fascinate you.

·         Start learning with greetings and compliments. Pick also every exciting word in the language that you want to learn.

·         Speak the language you are learning to someone who understands the language very well. Always speak the language to people that understand because they would always correct your errors.

·         Listen to corrections and learn from them. These corrections would improve your pronunciation of words in the language.

·         Have at least one mentor who can always guide you as you learn and speak the language. Keep the mentor close to you. If possible see him/her every day. Your mentor must not be an educated person. He or she must be someone who understands the language and is willing to teach it.

·         Learn new words every day. If you do, you would surely improve by the day in your speaking of the language.

Saturday, May 9, 2020


     ·         Choose titles that interest you most first. You would likely read quickly a title that you love.

·         Read with some measure of expectations. In reading a book, decide what you would learn from reading the book even before you start reading the book. Ways to define expectations is by reading general comment about the book, reading introduction or preface, reading review and summary of the book.

·         Skim, scan and study. Ability to use these skills effectively ensure quick assimilation.

·         Where applicable, talk to your friend about the book you are about to read. Basically, someone who has read the book.

·         Start reading the book and making use of all reading techniques and do not stop until you finish. Do not allow yourself to be distracted.

·         Determine how long it would take you to finish the book.


·         Decide what business you want to do. If it is your first time doing business, choose a business that is related to your passion. If it is not your first business you can do any other businesses as you wish and replicate models that have worked for you.

·         Write a comprehensive business plan. If you cannot do it yourself, employ the help of a professional.

·         Have a chat with a successful individual in your proposed business. Such an individual would likely share useful information’s that ensures your success.

·         With a growth plan at hand, start small. It minimizes the risk of losing so much. Please note that starting small is not defined for you because it is expected that you should define your own small.


                To iron a shirt properly, you require the appropriate ironing table and good pressing iron.

·         Iron the collar and calf without folding them. Ensure you make use of the appropriate temperature of iron for the material to avoid the iron staining the cloth.

·         Wear the shirt for the table and start ironing from any part of the shirt.

·         Proceed with ironing of the body of the shirt in a suitable direction till you complete your ironing. Conclude your ironing with ironing of the hands. You would fold the cult when ironing the hand.

·         Button up the shirt, fold the collar and fold the shirt as it soothes you.

·         Ensure that you achieve the desired smoothness while ironing.

·         Fold the shirt properly or the way it soothes you.


·         Spot edge of front and rear pockets where applicable as well as edges of the legs.

·         Soak the trouser in soapy water for about 10minutes.

·         Scrub the trousers thoroughly especially around the kneels to ensure that dirt’s are removed.

·         Where you have different colours, washing in the following sequence: From bright colours to dark colours.

·         Squeeze out soap water and leather from trouser.

·         Rinse in clean water until the water is no longer soapy.

·         Dry your trouser as desired.

Wednesday, May 6, 2020


·         Open sachet of cold water starch and pour gently into the cold water while stirring the water.

·         Ensure that your solution is to your desired thickness before you stop adding your starch.

·         Stir your starch solution intermittently for about 15mins to 20mins. All of the starch moles should have fully dissolved within this time.

·         Use your starch as desired.

Monday, May 4, 2020


·         Dissolve starch granular/powder in cold water and ensure that it is well dissolved. Make use of a reasonable quantity of cold water while dissolving the starch.

·         Boil a suitable quantity of water till it is up to 100oc or more.

·         Pour boiled water in the dissolved starch while stirring it. Keep stirring till the colour of solution changes from white to off white.

·         Add cold water to make the starch fluid and not viscous.

·         Add some water on top to prevent your starch from drying up on the surface.

·         Your hot water starch is ready for use.


·         Purchase your choice of dye colour from the market.

·         Mix your dye in a container. Ensure that you mix thoroughly. This should be done based on manufacturers specifications.

·         Apply hair cream all through to the edge of the hair. The hair cream prevents the dye from bleeding and flowing to cause stain on your face or other parts other than your hair.

·         Apply your dye as you desire. You can apply to get the impression that you desire at the end of the day.

·         Leave the hair for about 20mins for the dying to take effect. Sometime, your hair would determine how long you leave the dye as the process might longer time than 20minutes. This happens especially when you are dying in other colours than black.

·         Wash dyed hair with shampoo to remove excess dye and rinse with excess water. Also, wash off the hair cream and dry the hair with a towel.


Modern manual washing machines are usually top loaders. They are referred to as manual because they are operated without any automatic feature. The settings are just simple and direct.

·         Remove washing machine from carton and assemble the accessories. Your manual washing machine would usually contain some or all of the following: spinning basket cover, drain pipe, inter pipe, manual.

·         Fix each of the accessories into their appropriate places as directed by the manual. Drain pipe is usually wider in diameter than the inlet pipes and are usually fix behind the washing machine.

·         Fix drain pipe to its appropriate place usually somewhere behind the washing machine. Some washing machine comes with prefixed drain pipe that has diameter about the size of the inlet pipe.

·         Where the spinning side is separated from the washing side, there is usually a safety cover for the spinning basket. Fix the safety cover in place every time you need to spin clothes.

·         Your washing machine is ready for use.

Friday, May 1, 2020


Method of washing to be discussed here applies to both hand and machine wash. This method when applied correctly gives a sparkling result.

·         Spot the collar, edge of cuff and any other stained part of the shirt.

·         Soak the shirt in clean soapy water for about 15minutes.

·         Scrub the shirt thoroughly to ensure that it is washed clean. Do not soak coloured shirts with white or do not wash coloured shirt in the same water with white shirt.

·         Squeeze out soapy water and leather from shirt.

·         Rinse in a clean water until the water is no longer soapy.

·         Dry your shirt as desired.


·         Set high goals for the team. Be sure to write the goals down and set deadlines for the goals. Tall goals would make the team stretch.

·         Brainstorm with the team on ways to achieve your goals. Develop a model with the team to achieve these goals within the deadlines. When your team is part of the thinking process, they commit more to the team.

·         Segment proposed achievements and define ways to celebrate them. For every deadline met and achievement made, celebrate with your team. Everyone is happy to achieve new stride.

·         Define and design motivational strategies for different level that is achieved. New targets and rewards are required as more is achieved. People are more driven by personal gains than collective gains. Create collective benefits as well as individual benefits. High achievers should be rewarded more.

·         Connect with every member of the team and ensure others do too. A true team does not care about the goals of the team alone; it also cares about well-being of the entire team members. Caring for team member touches their soul and moves them to do great things for the team.

·         Trust team members to deliver on expectations and targets. So give task and trust them to deliver. People usually deliver when you believe in them.